Polistratics (/‘polı•stræ•tıks)

My weekly reading list of news and social posts that touch on issues of importance to me in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and are on the intersection of (POLIcies, STRAtegies and TactICS) ..

This newsletter - in addition to hopefully adding value to your readings and understanding of the Middle East, helps me as well formulate my own views on the going-on in the MENA region, and hopefully present deferent news stories from a broad kaleidoscope of journalists and activists alike, that could better inform the reader on the current state of affairs in the Middle East and North Africa.

I hope you find some value in this ,


Subscribe to Polistratics

Polistratics (/‘polı•stræ•tıks) Is a weekly newsletter and reading list of news and social posts about #MENA issues that are on the intersection of POLIcies, STRAtegies & TactICS.


Foreign Affairs Columnist & Advisory Committee Member at GU. Distinguished Int'l Defense Fellow at NCUSAR. Board Member at Gulf Int'l Forum. Ex-Qatari Defense Attaché to US, Canada, Mexico.