Polistratics (/‘polı•stræ•tıks)

A weekly reading list of news and social posts by Nawaf Al-Thani that touch on issues of importance in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and are on the intersection of (POLIcies, STRAtegies, and TactICS).

This newsletter - in addition to hopefully adding value to your readings and understanding of the Middle East, helps me as well formulate my views on the going-on in the MENA region and hopefully present different news stories from a broad kaleidoscope of journalists and activists alike that could better inform the reader on the current state of affairs in the Middle East and North Africa.

I hope you find some value in this,


Subscribe to Polistratics

Polistratics (/‘polı•stræ•tıks) by Nawaf Al-Thani. A weekly newsletter and reading list of news and social posts about #MENA issues that are at the intersection of Politics, Strategies, and Tactics.


Polistratics (/‘polı•stræ•tıks) A weekly reading list of news and social posts by Nawaf Al-Thani that touch on issues of importance in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and are on the intersection of (POLIcies, STRAtegies, and TactICS).
Foreign Affairs, Defense & Intel. Analyst, Columnist @alraya_n , LL.B Law, Former Qatari Director of Defense Intelligence Ops. & Defense Attaché to 🇺🇸🇨🇦🇲🇽